Saturday, September 27, 2008

Miami Herald Unveils Sleek Website

The Miami Herald unveiled a new and improved website Thursday, accomplishing its goal to deliver multimedia news with lightning speed and efficiency.

The homepage is easier to navigate and more reader-friendly, the new ad sizes jump from the page without deflecting attention from the posted news stories, and every section featured in its printed paper runs across the top of the page and is only a click away. I especially like the "Highlights" section, which appears on the upper lefthand corner of the homepage, as well as the "Most Popular" section featured below. These sections, almost reminiscent of the printed paper's "5-minute Herald," is a great way for readers-on-the-go to get the news they want when they want it.

Kudos on the multimedia section, News Grid, Community and Commentary sections, which are sleek and inviting. However, I could do without the huge pop up ads that seem to overwhelm my computer screen when I try to navigate from page to page.

But overall, has outdone itself. Competing local news websites should watch out 'cause there's a new MultiMedia sherrif in town!

1 comment:

Suzanne Levinson said...

Glad you liked it... but now how about a critique. What's NOT so great?