Yet, what seems like a foreign concept to a few, is evolving into a simple, modern practice for the wave of the future. It's almost scary to think that online journalism, with its 24/7 deadlines, sense of immediacy and quick punch-lines, will one day replace the cool comfort of flipping through the newspaper on a lazy Sunday morning.
But not all good things must come to an end. Both print and online journalism can coexist, working together to bring the news to the masses in an efficient way.
Vivid description of the first day jitters. Hearing all those new concepts regarding online journalism for the first time is sure intimidating.
I like how you mentioned that both print and online journalism can work together. There will always be people who prefer to sit down with the physical information in their hands than to read everything on a bright technological device. Online Journalism is a complex field and regardless of what many say not everyone likes getting their news from a computer. There will definitely be a relationship between these two modes of communication for a long time.
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