Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm Tweeting on Twitter

I joined Twitter today because social networking guru Alex de Carvalho made it look like fun. They have a page called "Hack the Debate," which allows Twitter users to share comments/tweet the presidential debates while watching a live stream of the broadcast. I think I'm going to check out the next Hack the Debate, which will take place on Wednesday, October 15, 9 pm, and-if I'm lucky-maybe my debate tweets will air on TV. I think it's great that Twitter is encouraging the community to become an active member of the political process, and in a way, contribute to social change.

So, here's a tweet i wrote (140 characters or less):

The NY Post reports that politcal scientists believe comedian Tina Fey's spoofs on SNL may be spoiling the McCain/Palin ticket.

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