Saturday, November 15, 2008

Miami Dillard High School Slaying

The Breaking News text messages regarding the Dillard High School shooting encouraged readers to find more information at When I logged onto the Herald news site recently, I discovered four days worth of articles, uncovering a variety of different perspectives and story angles.

On Wednesday, November 12-the day on which I received the breaking news text alerts-the online stories recounted the tragic event with precision and in a fluid sequence, starting with an article about the school's ongoing, unsuccessful battle to keep weapons off campus, followed by an article focused on the shooting itself, and finally two articles focusing on the outcome: "Student Charged with first-degree murder in Dillard slaying,", which details how 15-year-old Teah Wimberly was charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of fellow student Amanda Collette, as well as an article describing classmate reactions. On Thursday, November 13, all the focus was on Wimberly, specifically how a case of unrequited love and teenage rancor prompted her to shoot her former friend in a high school hallway. Friday, November 14 featured reactions of Collette's parents, school officials and police. The need for improved school security measures as a result of this tragedy was featured in the article, "Family of slain teen wants tighter school security."

Though the Miami Herald print plus stories featured in-depth, informative multimedia links, Sun offered a more poignant photo gallery .

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